Prices 20252025-01-29T18:30:20+01:00

The prices do not include the local spa tax

Season and prices 2025


  • up to 90m²


  • 90 – 120m²


  • over 120m²


  • über 200m²

* A16-A18, A21-A47, 74-80, 91-96, 108-113, 115-124, 127-130, 134-150, 155-159, 161, 162-169, 171-195, 294, 296, 301, 312-320, 323-328, 358-364, 368

** A2, A10, A20, A13-A14, 54-58, 65-71, 83-90, 99-105, 114, 133, 154, 160, 170, 302, 303, 311, 322, 329-331, 341, 347- 349, 365, 369-374

*** A3, A4, A7, A8, A11, A15, 53, 60, 64, 106, 125, 126, 153, 198, 200, 201, 203-205, 273, 274, 276, 279, 285, 304-306, 336-340

**** 282, 285a, 300, 307

Prices 2025 Peak season Low season
Adult 9,50 € 7,50 €
Child (3-16 years) 5,50 € 4,00 €
Dog 5,50 € 4,00 €
Electricity* 4,50 € 4,50 €
Boat 5,50 € 4,50 €
Additional tent/car 5,50 € 4,50 €
Camper pitch 12,00 € 9,00 €
A-Pitch 16,50 € 12,50 €
B-Pitch 20,50 € 14,50 €
C-Pitch 25,00 € 17,00 €
D-Platz 41,00 € 29,00 €

*up to 5 Kw/h per day

Peak season:

  • 28.05. – 01.06.2025
  • 06.06. – 10.06.2025
  • 04.07. – 07.09.2025

Low season:

  • 01.04. – 28.05.2025
  • 01.06. – 06.06.2025
  • 10.06. – 04.07.2025
  • 07.09. – 26.10.2025

Peak season:

  • 17.05. – 21.05.2023
  • 26.05. – 30.05.2023
  • 24.06. – 04.09.2023

Low season:

  • 01.04. – 17.05.2023
  • 21.05. – 26.05.2023
  • 30.05. – 24.06.2023
  • 01.09. – 29.10.2023


Visit us on Fehmarn Island

Your booking

Step 1 of 3

Information about your stay

Möchten Sie einen Preis als Information erhalten oder eine verbindliche Buchungsanfrage durchführen?
Wann reisen Sie an?
Wann reisen Sie ab?
Please use this format: YYYY-MM-DD
Damit wir sie bei Rückfragen erreichen können, geben Sie bitte Ihre Mobilnummer ohne Ländervorwahl an.

Information about all persons travelling

Wieviele erwachsene Personen reisen zusätzlich zur buchenden Person an?
Wieviele Kinder im Alter von 3 bis 16 Jahren reisen mit Ihnen?
Wieviele Kleinkinder im Alter von 0 bis 2 Jahren reisen mit Ihnen?
Adults (over 17 years)
1. Person - as defined in step one
Please enter the date in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY
Please enter the date in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY
Please enter the date in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY
Please enter the date in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY
Please enter the date in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY
Children (3 - 16 years)
Please enter the date in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY
Please enter the date in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY
Please enter the date in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY
Please enter the date in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY
Please enter the date in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY
Infants (0 - 2 years)
Please enter the date in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY
Please enter the date in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY
Please enter the date in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY
Please enter the date in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY
Please enter the date in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY

Details of the vehicle and further options

Womit reisen Sie an?
Wie lang ist Ihr Wohnmobil/Wohnwagen?
length/width/square meters
Bringen Sie ein oder mehrere Boote mit?
Bringen Sie einen oder mehrere Hunde mit?
Schreiben Sie uns Ihren Wunschstellplatz oder weitere Besonderheiten/Fragen.

I hereby confirm that I have read and accept the booking and cancellation terms. Booking and cancellation terms .

I agree to my data being used and stored for the purpose of processing my enquiry. Privacy policy.

Our discount promotions

Book in low season to save money


10 %
  • from 7 nights


15 %
  • from 14 nights


20 %
  • from 21 nights

*All discounts apply to pitch and person fees. Electricity and spa tax are apart.

The prices do not include the local spa tax

Our Special Deals for you


Gilt für zwei Personen inkl. Strom auf dem Wohn­mo­bil­stellplatz pro Über­nachtung. (Nur Nebensaison, keine Kombination mit weiteren Angeboten möglich.)

22,00 €

Family Special

Nur die ersten beiden Kinder im Haus­halt zahlen, jedes weitere Kind ist kostenlos. (Gilt bei Buchung von zwei Erwachsenen)

Indian Summer Special

Gilt vom 07.09. bis 29.09.25 für zwei Erwachsene. (Strom nach Verbrauch 0,60 €/kWh, 20% Aufschlag bei C-Plätzen; begrenztes Kontingent)

470,00 €


We are here for you

Our Booking Terms

Payment terms

Your booking is only valid on payment of a deposit of €100 (for stays of more than 7 days) or €50 (for stays of up to 7 days) within 14 days after our confirmation. The outstanding sum is to be paid on-site on arrival.

Bank Account

VR Bank OH Nord Plön eG
IBAN: DE62 2139 0008 0001 0168 90

Arrival and Departure

The booked pitch will be available on the day of arrival from 3 p.m., unless released in advance by the front desk. Check-out is on the day of departure by 11 a.m., at the latest. Later departure can be arranged on request at the front desk and upon payment of a fee.

Cancelation, delayed arrival or early departure

If the booking is cancelled by the visitor before the agreed day of arrival, the down payment will be forfeited.

Should your arrival be delayed, please advise us immediately, otherwise the booking of the relevant pitch will only be kept until 11 a.m. on the following day . In the case of early departure from a booked pitch, the pitch fees shall be binding.

We reserve the right to adapt prices and offers at any moment as a consequence of modified tax rates, inflation for other similar reasons.

Important information for your holidays

Frequently Asked Questions

Please look at our FAQs. Perhaps your question has already been asked.

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